Would you like to participate?
If you are a Publisher and are interested in attending IDEAG 2024, please follow the steps below in order:
- pay the registration fee of €50 for the entire event. The contribution covers the attendance of all publisher representatives. The contribution can be paid
- to the PayPal account saz-italia-pp@spieleautorenzunft.de, or
- by foreign bank transfer to the bank account under the name of SAZ Italy:
IBAN DE36 6001 0070 0962 6627 01 / BIC (SWIFT): PBNKDEFF
- Fill in the registration form:
The receipt will be delivered after the event.
Bookings for accommodation and meals at the hotel hosting the event must be made directly by contacting the hotel itself (Hotel Parma & Congressi). You can consult the costs of rooms and meals on the dedicated page. We would like to remind you that meals must strictly be booked in advance prior to the event.
Game Publisher Present at IDEAG 2024